Prioritise your health while living in isolation

COVID-19 is everywhere we look, listen, and live. It feels like everybody is telling me via my email inbox, social media feed and in my conversations what I should be doing during my time in isolation. Be more productive, use this time to write that book, take up a new hobby, learn a new language while you have the time and on and on it goes.

Some of us are seeking guidance because the current life we are living is like nothing we have lived before and we actually don’t know what to do with ourselves. Others are unfazed introverts with no big changes to their lifestyle so there is no need to seek assistance for much.

I do have something to tell you to do during this time. Prioritise your health while living in isolation. Our well being is more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis. This is a health crisis that is affecting the entire world. Nobody is immune to this virus. Boris Johnson, the Prince of Monaco and Pink have all tested positive. A vaccine is at least 12 to 18 months away, there is no cure and although the federal government is not putting the concept of herd immunity on the table, it is something we are going to have to consider at some point. So we are flattening the curve while we isolate and this buys the government time to think about what to do next. It is highly likely that more than half the population at some point could be exposed to COVID-19. That is a reality we need to be ready for. That means supporting health and boosting immunity.

The people that are most at risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19 are people that have diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, are overweight and have other conditions that mean they are immune compromised. If you tick any of those boxes then it is especially important to be optimising your health and immunity right now.

We are a little like plants. We can choose to use good soil, fertilise, water and place our plant in the sunshine to help it thrive or fail to take care of our plant and slowly die. Some of us actually need to be repotted and start again because we have neglected our plant for so long.

Being proactive about our well being allows us to control something during a time where we are in control of so little right now. Supporting your health means you are supporting your physical, mental and emotional well being. I know people that are being so proactive that they are seeking out and having intravenous high dose vitamin infusions to give their immune system a big boost. We don’t have to take things to that level and spend that much money.

There is so much we can be doing in our own homes. We can be looking after our health by just addressing some lifestyle and diet basics. Sleeping enough, exercising daily, maintaining a positive mindset, finding time to relax and de-stress in a way that works for us and eating good, real food will help us immensely.