What is Human 2.0?

Think of yourself as a house. You can live in it in the same condition only for so long. In order to maintain it and keep it looking fresh, functional, inviting and comfortable you need to renovate or at the very least do some improvements.

Going from room to room in your home and seeing where the changes need to happen helps. Our biology, mindset and level of consciousness are the three big areas we do an audit on to work out where the work to be done is and then prioritising and being realistic about how much we can get done now is important. Setting yourself up for failure happens when you overwhelm yourself with too much to work on.

In humans the message that its time for a reno can come in the form of a physical health challenge, a mid life crisis, major personal or professional disruption to our lives or it can come in the form of fractured relationships with the people we love most. When you become aware of the need for an update what do you do? Do something about it right away, delay or ignore? Taking action today is a good way of not delaying a better future.

When we choose Human 2.0 we are upgrading from version 1.0 to 2.0 of you. I see investing in Human 2.0 as the update we all need from time to time. A change that is often sought out when something is no longer working for us. You could see going from version 1.0 to Human 2.0 as any of the following:

A re-invention of self
Realising and reaching your potential
Being more yourself
Going for whole person development
Optimising how you operate
Going from good to great
Becoming the best version of you
Embracing being deeply human
Being your best most magnificent self

This begs the question then “What does future you look like?” What parts of yourself need repair, updating or even removal and replacing? Is it time to go for Human 2.0?