self leadership

Choosing One Keystone Habit

Choosing One Keystone Habit

It's crazy Christmas time and life is busy.

The usual routines that keep us in balance tend to fall away this time of year. We have end of year events to get to, gift shopping to do, Christmas lunch to contend with and holidays to prepare for.

You may find yourself ordering more take away dinners, having more late nights or not getting your exercise in as much as you would like to and it's okay.

Planting seeds for your future

Planting seeds for your future

Spring is coming. The morning frost is still a thing in the parklands of Melbourne but now there are blossoms on the trees and some heat in the sun, when it comes out. Yet the metaphorical sun is yet to break through Melbourne’s lockdown. There’s still a month to go before we learn whether the current restrictions have helped us to control the community-transmitted cases of COVID-19. One of the difficulties that many of us now face is the inability to plan and make decisions. Even New Zealand, a nation that successfully controlled coronavirus, has seen a return to stage three restrictions in Auckland following a mystery outbreak.

Leading yourself

Leading yourself

One of the most challenging things you can do is to lead yourself. It’s easy to tell others what they should do but it’s much harder to do it yourself. For close to 15 years I have consulted as an integrative health practitioner, advising people how best to address their health problems. Often the path to a solution wasn't as simple as taking a bunch of supplements. Behaviour change was required to implement dietary or lifestyle changes.