Making your workplace healthier in the COVID normal

How ready are your teams going to be for working the COVID normal going into in 2021? Will your teams be transitioning from working at home to returning to the workplace? Will you adopt a hybrid approach? There are so many things to consider including what state your people are in entering a new year after such a trying 2020.

It can be useful to think of our people as athletes and our teams and organisations as a professional sports team we are able to see how important it is to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing is optimal in order for them to perform at their best when they represent the team.

COVID has staggeringly increased the mental load for all of us. Working from home, whilst novel and ok in the initial stages of the pandemic has not suited all people. Many people feel disconnected, fatigued and unmotivated. Finishing the year tired, emotionally depleted and burnt out because a pandemic upturned almost everything means there needs to be some good work done in the pre-season before things gear back up in the new year.

That is why it is imperative to be investing time and energy now to ensure your people head toward the end of the working year not feeling spent. Aiming for people finishing up 2020 feeling ok, good even is a realistic goal. Then having time for a much needed break to rest, recover and be match ready in 2021 is just what they need.

When you focus on the wellbeing of your people at the right time you are helping your people be energised and focused to perform well, be productive and to maintain healthy engagement with their colleagues. By spending time now investing in education and empowerment to implement strategies to look after their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, your people can get to the Christmas break not feeling completely spent.

Instead they can spend that time recharging and cultivating a practice of self care and rebuilding after a year that quite frankly, many of us would like to forget. If you would like to learn more about how I help teams and leaders lead their body and lead their mind to perform at their best, then please get in touch.