What will your COVID normal life look like?

Melbourne is on track to get to COVID normal by Christmas. We can now see a light at the end of what has been a long and dark tunnel for many. The tough quarantine we have lived in for the last seven months has taken its toll on the mental and physical wellbeing of many people in our community.  

So as we get closer to that light how do you envision your life post lock down? Have you thought much about what that will look and feel like? Life certainly will not go back to the way it was before COVID-19. It will never be the same because nothing in life ever goes backwards. For many, work, home life and travel will look very different.

Scheduling a meeting with yourself to get mentally and emotionally prepared for easing of restrictions and how that will impact your life moving forward is a great idea. Lisa O’Neill is a client of mine and CEO of Thought Leaders Business School. She introduced me to the idea of having regular meetings with yourself. Now, I have weekly meetings with myself to sort through life and work stuff. One exercise I have done to gain clarity about how I want to live after lockdown was to make a list of the things I will keep doing which have served me in lock down, and a list of the things I will let go of because my life has been better without them in my life. You should give it a go.

I know pre-COVID life was full and at times too hectic. I am committed to not being as busy and stressed out as I used to allow myself to get in the COVID-normal world.

Another useful exercise is an audit of your wellbeing. Be sure to think about your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing when doing this. What do you need to be a better version of you?

Do you need a check up with the dentist or your GP or your naturopath?
Is it time for a massage? (I know I need one!)
Do you need to reset your eating habits?
Are there some COVID kilos to shed?
Do you need to re-commit to exercise?
Are you ready to do some personal development work to be more at peace?
Do you need to start meditating to better manage your stress?
Is it time to commit to a good sleep regime?
Do you need to replace some bad habits with healthier ones?

Get a coffee, cup of tea or glass of wine and have a meeting with yourself and make a plan for your COVID normal.