
Are you Struggling with Burnout?

Are you Struggling with Burnout?

What I am hearing when checking in with people at the moment is that they are limping to the end of the year, or that they well and truly hit the wall weeks ago. There is no doubt about it, our need to mount and maintain a stress response was called upon this year. Prolonged stress does not come without it's problems, particularly as we get older.

Burnout is a real thing. The World Health Organisation revised it's definition of burnout mid last year stating that burnout is a “syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”.

How to identify if you or your team has burnout

How to identify if you or your team has burnout

Working from home for much of 2020 has really changed what the work landscape looks like and as organisations prepare for some form of return to work in 2021, they need to have their people ready to do so. However, the issue that arises for many is that not everybody is doing ok right now. Not all employees are working to their fullest potential. In fact, many are worn out, tired, over stretched (especially those in Melbourne that home schooled kids for six months) and some are burnt out.