kids depression

Can psychobiotics cure depression and anxiety?

Can psychobiotics cure depression and anxiety?

Timothy Dynan and John Cryan are groundbreaking researchers doing the brilliant work that is uncovering how bacteria can create the neurotransmitters that make us feel happy, calm and relaxed. They have identified a new mental disorder treatment option, called psychobiotics. Psychobiotics are microbes and fibres that when ingested can improve your mood.

Our kids need to eat more good mood food

Our kids need to eat more good mood food

The study of Nutritional Psychiatry is demonstrating that what you eat impacts how you feel. If you have a child that struggles with anxiety, depression, behavioural ups and downs and concentration or focus issues then getting them eating a good mood diet needs to be a priority.

The big idea that changed everything for kids mental health

The big idea that changed everything for kids mental health

It was a ground breaking journal article written by a team of researchers including Professor Felice Jacka from Deakin University in Victoria that made the front cover of the American Journal of Psychiatry in March 2010. It proposed that depression and anxiety was influenced by the quality of your diet.