Me First

The Power of Committing to One Goal

The Power of Committing to One Goal

Are you a goal setter? Do you periodically spend time planning for your future? Most people will have some New Years resolutions they want to fulfill at the start of the year. Whilst others routinely set goals and revisit and revise them on a monthly basis.

I love regular goal and intention setting. It helps me get very deliberate about my life. I do it in my business and in my personal life. I am quite obsessed with revising and finding smarter ways to live and work, so goal setting and planning help me do that.

Choosing One Keystone Habit

Choosing One Keystone Habit

It's crazy Christmas time and life is busy.

The usual routines that keep us in balance tend to fall away this time of year. We have end of year events to get to, gift shopping to do, Christmas lunch to contend with and holidays to prepare for.

You may find yourself ordering more take away dinners, having more late nights or not getting your exercise in as much as you would like to and it's okay.

Celebrate You!

Celebrate You!

When it comes to Christmas time we tend to just be focused on those around us. We think about what gifts we need to buy others. We focus on what food we are going to make for others to enjoy and if you are a parent you are focused on your children’s end of year activities and school wrapping up. What about spending time this festive season focusing some of that energy on you? More specifically, what about being intentional about celebrating you?

Finding passion and purpose

Finding passion and purpose

Simon Sinek talks about the importance of knowing what your WHY is. What is it that motivates and drives you? What are you passionate about? What I know coming out of the crazy year that 2020 has been is that moving forward my WHY, my passion is to save other women going through what I went through during those years. If I can help them fast track their way through it or avoid it entirely I think that is meaningful work. I am passionate about helping women live better lives by implementing smarter ways of living and working.

Choosing "Me First"

Choosing "Me First"

There is a silent 21st century epidemic that’s not being talked about. It’s the self neglect epidemic that afflicts many of us, but in particular women. You can choose any living generation of women and see gross self neglect present for most in some form or another. Whether it’s neglecting our health, our mental wellbeing or our emotional needs we consistently fail to put our own oxygen mask on first as we are so busy caring for others in our life.

Choosing Influence over Control

Choosing Influence over Control

My almost 11 year old daughter is deep in the tween stage, experimenting, identity seeking and pushing boundaries. She has always been what some may call a “spirited” child. She is clever, single minded, strong willed and a rebel. When she and her younger brother were little, parenting was easier. To be honest the approach I took was to control the message and environment. That worked until it didn’t.

True Wellbeing is Integrated Wellbeing

True Wellbeing is Integrated Wellbeing

For years now personal development guru’s like Tony Robbins have been telling us that our happiness and sense of fulfilment are all about making changes to our mindset. James Clear the author of ‘Atomic Habits” says in order to be well and feel good it is all about the healthy, positive habits you implement. They are both right. What they fail to do is take into account the role our biochemistry plays in how we think and feel.